New Patients

Thank you for considering registering with Chiswick Family Practice – Dr Bhatt and Dr Szyszko.

If you wish to register a baby, go to:

STEP 1:  Check if you live in our catchment area to avoid disappointment

We can only register patients who currently live within the Borough of Ealing (postcode W3/W4/W5) and within the boundaries as shown on the map below. If your address is located outside of our catchment area, you will not be able to complete the New Patient Registration form.

Once confirmed that you live within our catchment area, please provide all the required information as listed below (STEPS 2 and 3), to ensure efficient completion of your registration as our new patient.

STEP 2:  Complete and submit the New Patient Registration form

STEP 3:  Email us a copy of your documents:


ADULTS (over 16 years old)

  • 1 Form of Acceptable photo ID – Acceptable Identification: Photo Driving Licence, Passport – if not possible, please let us know
  • 1 Form of Proof of Address – Tenancy agreement, Mortgage statement, Bank statement, Utility bill (date within the past 3 months) etc.
  • IMPORTANT: Driving licence is an acceptable proof of ID but not an acceptable proof of address.
  • IMPORTANT: BRP is not an acceptable proof of ID.

CHILDREN (under 16 years old)

  • A copy of Birth certificate (in English) – to properly document the parents/guardians of the child who will assume the parental responsibility for the child.
  • Immunisation record (in English) – it is necessary for successful completion of the registration of a child.

Please ensure that the documents supporting your registration application are provided in one of the following formats:
Documents: .JPEG; .PNG; .WORD; .WORDX; .PDF
Pictures: .JPEG ; .PNG; .PDF
Scans: .JPEG ; .PNG; .PDF

IMPORTANT: We aim to register you as quickly as possible, typically within 10 working days from the day we receive all required documents. We will send you an email confirming you have been registered.

To learn more about how to secure an appointment with our clinicians, please follow the link:

Disabled Patients:  Once registered, you will be able to telephone the practice from outside on arrival if you require any assistance in accessing the building or its services.